Thursday, March 26, 2009

A little Behind

OK. So praying earnestly can get harder the more busy you get. It is not that you forget to pray it is that you forget that it is more important than that next meeting or commitment that you just "have" to meet. It is interesting how our lives can get so easily turned upside down and our priorities out of whack. Prayer is such an easy thing to put aside for when YOU have the time to do it right. God really doesn't care if YOU have time to do it right, it is not better when it is more formal than when you are just simply having a conversation with God.

My prayer for today is that God will take our lives and turn them upside down to allow us to realize that we are in need of Him. Give us the desire to focus on our relationship with you and see the wonders of your love. Big, little, small, please give us the resolve to focus on your hand in our lives, and to live fully inside that intimate relationship.

Also it is funny how we can forget the simple prayer and how precious it can be. This was shared by a friend and I share it with you.

1 comment:

  1. good stuff Greg even though I'm a month behind. - Jarvis


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