Friday, March 20, 2009

Journaling as Prayer

Sometimes I have trouble praying.  The "standard" form - kneeling or sitting with my eyes closed, my hands resting on my knees, and my voice lifting up my prayers.

I just can't do it sometimes.  Its the stillness of it all.  The noises from outside the room (or sometimes the complete lack of them).  Its the million and one things buzzing through my head.  Its the deadlines I'm trying to meet or the special worry of the day.  Its the last thing I want to do when I have so much to do.  Its just tough.

But thankfully, there are lots of ways to pray.  Sometimes, I get this right.  But other times, I change mediums.

Sometimes, I journal my prayers.  I think you can do this too.  You've written a letter before.  Just write a letter to God!  I find this focuses my attention, slows me down (my hands aren't as quick as my brain), and gives me a moment to gather my thoughts.  I always know what I just said and what my point was.  I end up being more "productive" in my prayers and I can see what I prayed a few days ago.  In my journal, I have three prayers I pray every day.  Eventually, I'll share them on this blog.

But if you can write a letter, then you can converse with the creator of this world.  And you don't even need postage.

God bless!

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